Welcome to the German Center of Shoulder Surgery
The German Center of Shoulder Surgery at the ATOS Clinic in Munich guarantees a high-level treatment for shoulder and elbow injuries and diseases.
The latest surgical techniques combined with the great experience of the shoulder and elbow specialists enable a successful treatment for the entire spectrum of shoulder and elbow surgery with a short in-patient stay.
Prof. Dr. med. univ. Mark Tauber and Prof. Dr. med. Frank Martetschläger are renowned specialist in the field of shoulder and elbow surgery, invited to national and international conferences on a regular bases.
The high patient satisfaction and success rates of the German Center of Shoulder Surgery is based on a longstanding clinical experience and a consistent scientific approach in order to achieve a constant quality control of the modern treatment methods.
Your specialists

Your specialists (left to right): Prof. Dr. med. univ. Mark Tauber and Prof. Dr. med. Frank Martetschläger
Our main topics
ATOS Clinic Munich
Effnerstr. 38
D-81925 München
Prof. Dr. med. univ. Mark Tauber
Prof. Dr. med. Frank Martetschläger
Phone: 0049-89 / 20 4000 – 180
Fax: 0049-89 / 20 4000 – 189
Email: schulterzentrum@atos.de