Lateral acromioplasty for correction of the critical shoulder angle

2020-08-12T19:03:41+02:0027.07.2020|Allgemein, Presse|

Mark Tauber, Peter Habermeyer, Nikolaus Zumbansen & Frank Martetschläger Obere Extremität Schulter · Ellenbogen Background The bony morphology of the acromion is well known to determine mechanical outlet impingement and represents a risk factor for the development of rotator cuff tear (RCT; [4, 18]). In 1986, Bigliani et al. [4] introduced [...]

Neue Publikation aus dem Deutschen Schulterzentrum zur schaftfreien Schulterprothese

2018-01-18T22:57:49+01:0027.04.2017|Allgemein, Publikationen|

Die Ergebnisse nach 9 Jahren sind vergleichbar mir denen der herkömmlichen Schaftimplantate. Lesen Sie mehr unter: Author information Department of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, ATOS Clinic Munich, Munich, Germany; Trauma Department, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany. Electronic address: Department of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, ATOS Clinic Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany; Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery [...]

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